Are you ready to create sustainable health and energy and access more joy, happiness and success in ALL areas of your life?
Hi, I'm Frankie Jones
A highly qualified colon hydrotherapist, vagus nerve and detox specialist and life coach with over 20 years experience in the wellness industry.
I started my career with a passion for wellness, but since experiencing my own wellness and healing transformation, my passion and purpose has deepened.

I trained as a colon hydrotherapist in 2009 with the renowned health expert Anne-Lise Miller and after a year of on-going studies, I qualified in 2010. Whilst this was a new direction in terms of career, it also was a new direction for my own health. At birth, I was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. One part of that is having a compromised respiratory system and I have had many courses of antibiotics and operations in my younger years which lead to secondary issues such as food intolerances, regular water infections, bloating and sluggish energy.
The more I learned about gut health and detoxing and being my own best case study, the more I began to experience incredible shifts and healing in my own health. Something that came to light more than anything is how stress played a huge role in exacerbating my symptoms which is why I feel incredibly passionate about stress management. Reducing mental and physical toxic load is the foundation of my wellness programmes and framework today.